Refund Policy

At Cryptid Kennels Tracking and Training, we are committed to ensuring a positive and successful transition for both our pups and their new owners. We understand that adjusting to a new living situation can present challenges, and we are here to support you every step of the way. Our refund policy is designed to provide various options in the rare event that challenges persist despite our collective efforts.

Assistance and Support:

We will make every attempt to assist you and your new pup through various communication channels, including video, text, email, calls, Zoom, and, when possible, face-to-face retraining.

Full Refund:

If, despite our collective efforts, the situation does not improve, we offer a full refund option. This entails the owner covering the cost of transportation back to us, unless alternative arrangements are possible. We accept the pup back anytime within the first month. However, the refund of the purchase price will only be processed once the dog is successfully resold.

Replacement Pup:

If within the first 2 months you find that the initial pup is not the right fit, we offer a replacement pup option. The pup can be returned, and we will provide another pup either from a future litter or from our current inventory of comparably priced and available trained dogs. No refunds will be issued in this case.

Retraining Options:

For specific behavioral issues, we provide discounted board and train services as well as discounted one-on-one training lessons when possible. This allows for a targeted approach to address any challenges your pup may be facing.

To utilize our refund policy, owners must have initially contacted us about their concerns and made a genuine effort to work through the challenges. This includes allowing sufficient time for the pup to adjust to their new environment.

We believe in responsible breeding and ownership, and our aim is to ensure a harmonious and lasting bond between our pups and their new families. If you encounter any issues, please contact us promptly, and we will work together to find the best solution for you and your canine companion.

Thank you for choosing Cryptid Kennels Tracking and Training. We are dedicated to the well-being and happiness of our pups and their new families.