Giving Your Dog Jobs at Home: Enrichment Activities for a Happy Pup

Posted on May 21st, 2024.

Dogs are naturally active and intelligent creatures who thrive when they have a purpose. While regular walks and playtime are essential for their physical health, providing them with jobs or tasks to do at home can greatly benefit their mental well-being.

Not only does it give them an outlet for their energy, but it also strengthens the bond between you and your furry friend. In this blog post, we'll explore various enrichment activities that you can incorporate into your dog's daily routine to keep them happy, engaged, and fulfilled.

Fetch the Paper

Teaching your dog to fetch the newspaper is a classic and practical task that not only serves as a form of enrichment but also adds a touch of convenience to your morning routine. Imagine waking up to your furry friend eagerly bringing you the paper, tail wagging in anticipation of your approval. Here's how you can train your dog to master this skill:

Start with Basic Fetch Training

Begin by reinforcing the basic fetch command with your dog. Use a favorite toy or ball to initiate the game, encouraging them to retrieve it and bring it back to you. Reward them generously with treats and praise each time they successfully return the object to your hand. This lays the foundation for them to understand the concept of fetching and returning items.

Introduce the Newspaper

Once your dog is confident with fetching toys, it's time to introduce the newspaper into the mix. Begin by associating the newspaper with the fetch command. Show them the newspaper and use the fetch cue as you would with a toy. Encourage them to grab hold of the newspaper gently and bring it back to you.

Practice, Practice, Practice

Consistency is essential when training your dog, so make fetching the newspaper a part of your daily routine. Set aside a few minutes each day to practice this skill with your furry companion. The more they practice, the more confident and proficient they'll become.

Close the Door

Teaching your dog to close doors is not only a handy skill but also a great way to give them a job around the house. Whether it's shutting the front door when you come home or closing a cabinet, this task can be both practical and entertaining for your furry friend. Here's how you can train them to master the art of door closing:

Introduce the Door Closing Concept

Begin by selecting a lightweight door that your dog can easily push or nudge closed. Use treats or a favorite toy to lure them towards the door, encouraging them to touch it with their nose or paw. When they make any attempt to interact with the door, praise them and offer a reward.

Associate a Command

Choose a specific command, such as "close the door" or "shut it," to signal to your dog that it's time to close the door. Repeat this command each time you initiate the training session, gradually pairing it with the action of pushing the door closed.

Practice in Different Locations

To generalize the behavior, practice closing doors in various locations around the house. This helps your dog understand that the command applies to different situations and doors, not just one specific instance.

Be Patient and Consistent

Remember that learning a new skill takes time, so be patient with your dog and maintain consistency in your training efforts. Celebrate each small success and continue to reinforce the behavior until it becomes a reliable habit for your furry companion.

Get an Item

Teaching your dog to retrieve specific items on command is not only a practical skill but also a fantastic way to engage their natural instincts and provide mental stimulation. Whether it's fetching your slippers, bringing you a remote control, or even fetching a specific toy, this task can be both useful and fun for your furry friend. Here's how you can train them to master the "get an item" command:

Choose the Target Item

Start by selecting a target item that you want your dog to retrieve. It could be their favorite toy, a household object like a shoe, or any other item that they can easily carry in their mouth.

Gradually Increase Difficulty

Once your dog is comfortable retrieving the target item from close range, gradually increase the difficulty by placing it farther away or hiding it behind furniture or obstacles. This challenges your dog's problem-solving skills and keeps them mentally engaged.

Practice with Different Items

To generalize the behavior, practice the "get an item" command with various objects around the house. This helps your dog understand that the command applies to different items, not just one specific object.

Find the Treat

Engage your dog's natural scenting abilities by teaching them the fun and rewarding game of finding hidden treats around the house. This activity not only provides mental stimulation but also taps into their instinctual hunting behavior. Follow these steps to teach your dog to find treats:

Choose a Treat

Select a favorite treat that has a strong scent and is easy for your dog to detect. Small, bite-sized treats work well for this game.

Start with Basic Hiding Spots

Begin by hiding treats in easy-to-find locations around the house, such as behind furniture, under pillows, or inside empty boxes. Encourage your dog to search for the treats using the command, guiding them if necessary.

Use Different Treats and Containers

To keep the game interesting, vary the type of treats you use and the containers you hide them in. You can use different scents or textures of treats to provide variety and challenge for your dog.

Related: 10 Things You Need to Know About Dog Training for Puppies


Giving your dog jobs at home is a rewarding way to keep them mentally and physically stimulated while strengthening your bond. Whether it's fetching the paper, closing the door, or sorting the laundry, these enrichment activities provide a sense of purpose for your furry companion.

If you're interested in taking your dog's training to the next level, do not hesitate to get in touch with Cryptid Kennels Tracking and Training, and consider enrolling them in our basic obedience training program. For more information, feel free to contact us at (315) 231-7011 or via email at [email protected].

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Don't miss this opportunity to witness the amazing transformation your furry friend can make with our expert guidance. Join the Cryptid Kennels family today and unlock your dog's true potential!